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How do I know if I am buying an American Flag that is Made in the USA?

The Flagpole Company is a longstanding proud member of NIFDA. Assuring all of our customers that any American Flag you purchase from us is guaranteed to be MADE IN THE USA!

The National Independent Flag Dealers Association (NIFDA) is made up of American Flag Manufactures & American Flag Dealers who manufacture, retail or distribute American Flags that are exclusively Made in the USA.

Manufactures, Retailers & Distributors who sell manufactured offshore brands are not allowed to join. NIFDA Members & their businesses are vetted to insure loyalty & trustworthiness to manufacturing & or retailing ONLY American Flags made in the USA.

What's behind the Label?

      While USA guidelines for sales & trade regarding American Flags currently only require a "Made in the USA" label or       tag for American flags made in the USA, it does not require or mandate American Flags to be made in the USA.

      Sadly, due to non regulation, many American Flags are actually made in China or other offshore entity & imported       into the USA for sales distribution throughout the USA via Amazon, Facebook & other social media outlets.
      Amazon, Facebook & the rest of social media do not require American Flags sold on their platforms to be
      Made in the USA.

      NIFDA has found many sellers on these platforms claiming to be selling "Made in the USA" American Flags with       falsely tagged made in the USA stickers & labels attached to them as well as Logos and brands of true iconic long       standing USA Manufactures such as Valley Forge & Annin Flag.

      Importing American Flags specifically from China & retailing them in the USA and or branding them
      "Made in the USA" has become a serious problem in the united states.

What can you do?

As a buyer of American Flags, you want to be assured the American Flag you are purchasing is truly made in the USA.
You can simply go to the link below & review the NIFDA member listing on NIFDA website and review its member list. Listed members are either a manufacture or dealer who have actually been vetted and are actively participating in NIFDA.

NIFDA Member List

Do not take for granted the company you purchase your flags from are actual members by the NIFDA seal on their website or packaging.
All members are clearly found on the NIFDA website database.

NIFDA gives you the confidence & assurance that any purchase made from one it's members is truly an American Flag that is manufactured in the USA & Sold in the USA.

Are there retailers of American Flags out there that are truly selling made in the USA Flags that are not NIFDA members?

Of course there are. However, these sellers are not restricted from selling American Flags made in China & have chosen not to join.
NIFDA members are not allowed and required to sell only American Flags that are Made in the USA. This assures the customer they are purchasing an American Flag that is truly Made in America.

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